
From Classroom to Culture: Mastering Languages and Traveling Sustainably

Traveling the world is a dream for many, but it comes with its challenges. One of the most rewarding ways to enhance your travel experience is by learning the local language. Here’s why it’s so important and how you can make it happen sustainably. Louvre Museum, Paris - France The Benefits of Learning a Language Enhanced Communication: Knowing the local language allows you to communicate more effectively with locals, making your travel experience richer and more immersive. Cultural Understanding: Language is a gateway to understanding a culture. It helps you appreciate local customs, traditions, and social norms. Increased Confidence: Speaking the local language can boost your confidence, making you more comfortable navigating new environments. Better Travel Experiences: From ordering food to asking for directions, knowing the language can make everyday interactions smoother and more enjoyable. The Best Way to Learn Taking language classes is an excellent starting point. Structured le

Why Lessons4Kids Outshines Language Learning Apps

Lessons4Kids is an international language club that offers a unique and effective approach to language learning for children around the world. Unlike traditional language learning apps, Lessons4Kids emphasizes human interaction, community building, and a blend of online and offline activities. Here’s why it stands out: 1. Interactive Human Connection At the heart of Lessons4Kids is the belief that children learn best through interaction with others. The program facilitates: Peer Interaction: Kids from different parts of the world interact with each other, exchanging letters and videos in both French and English . This not only enhances their language skills but also broadens their cultural understanding. Engaging Teacher: Margot, the French teacher, plays a pivotal role by chatting, playing games, and interacting with students during Zoom classes. Her use of facial expressions and personalized attention helps children feel valued and understood, which is crucial for effective learn

The Importance of Human Interaction in Children’s Language Learning

In today’s digital age, it’s tempting to rely on apps and screens for educational purposes, including language learning. However, numerous scientific studies highlight the irreplaceable value of human interaction in this process. Let’s explore why children need to interact with other humans to effectively learn any language, be it their native tongue or a foreign one. The Role of Human Interaction Human interaction is fundamental to language acquisition. From birth, children are immersed in a world of sounds, gestures, and expressions that form the basis of their linguistic development. This rich, dynamic environment is something that apps struggle to replicate. 1. Social and Emotional Cues Children learn language not just through words, but through social and emotional cues. Facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language all play crucial roles in communication. These cues help children understand context, intent, and subtleties of language that are often missing in app-based lea

Learn French with the 5 senses

To learn French naturally and effectively, it's important to stimulate different areas of the brain, hence the importance of gestures, movement and stimulation of the 5 senses: Touch:  crafts, gardening, cooking, coloring, etc. Smell:  cooking, outdoor activities, etc. Sight:  videos, colors, illustrations, flashcards... Hearing:  songs, nursery rhymes, stories, hearing different English accents... Taste:  cooking, snacks... Our online   French   lessons   are designed for 3-11 year-old children. They can learn the French language with their family with a childminder, Nannie or tutor at school or in a French club We also offer weekly  French Zoom classes . Create your FREE user account NOW on  French.Lessons4Kids   & join our international language club for kids & adults Photo @Ksenia_belanger

Describe a video in French - Fall Relaxing Video

 L'automne Fall is here! How is it in your country? In France, fall is a beautiful, colorful season. During this week's Bilingual Zoom Class with French and English-speaking children, I will ask my students to describe what they see in this beautiful, relaxing fall video. Can you describe what you can - Peux-tu décrire ce que tu smell? sens ? see?  vois ?  hear? entends ? What is in the video? - Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans la vidéo ?   In the video, I can see…  (trees, forest, owls, birds) -  Dans la vidéo, je vois … (des arbres, la forêt, des chouettes, des oiseaux...) There’s a / There are… (tree / trees) -  Il y a (des arbres) There isn’t a … / there aren’t any…  (cars, houses, people) –  Il n’y a pas (de voitures, de maisons, de gens) Where in the picture? –  Où dans l’image ?   In the foreground  (trees & leaves) /  middle ground  (birds) /  background  (clouds) –  Au premier plan (des arbres & des feuilles) / au second plan (des oiseaux) / à l’arrière plan (des nu

Madame l'abeille

To the tune of the famous English nursery rhyme The beehive , I've adapted French lyrics. Here's the nursery rhyme in English (so that you hear the tune) We will sing this French nursery rhyme with the baby students of my new class opening this week: A French Zoom class for 2 to 4 year-old kids!  How should I call this class? I need your help please. Babies French Class? French for Toddlers Class? La classe des bébés? French4Babies? Any other ideas? More information here Here's the nursery rhyme in French: Voici la ruche De Madame l'Abeille Oh la coquine ! Elle mange le miel (miam) Elle sort de la ruche Regarde ! Elle est là ! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BZZZZ Stay tuned on Instagram & YouTube, soon I will make a new French video! Should I get dressed in black & yellow? Bzzzz

Learn French with Music - Nos Mains, Jean-Jacques Goldman

 Nos Mains, 1997 Original version, by Jean-Jacques Goldman Nos Mains, 2023 French TV show Star Academy , Paris - France Lyrics Sur une arme les doigts noués Pour agresser, serrer les poings Mais nos paumes sont pour aimer Y'a pas de caresse en fermant les mains Longues, jointes en une prière Bien ouvertes pour acclamer Dans un poing les choses à soustraire On ne peut rien tendre les doigts pliés Quand on ouvre nos mains Il suffit de rien dix fois rien Suffit d'une ou deux secondes À peine un geste, un autre monde Quand on ouvre nos mains Mécanique simple et facile Des veines et dix métacarpiens Des phalanges aux tendons dociles Et tu relâches ou bien tu retiens Et des ongles faits pour griffer Poussent au bout du mauvais côté Celui qui menace ou désigne De l'autre on livre nos vies dans des lignes Quand on ouvre nos mains Il suffit de rien dix fois rien Suffit d'une ou deux secondes À peine un geste, un autre monde Quand on ouvre nos mains Un simple geste d'une m