
Showing posts from April, 2023

C'est le printemps ! Spring is here!

C'est le printemps ! Hooray! Do you like spring? Download my spring nature kit here:  Nature walk sheet + Spring bilingual flashcards + Garden birds bilingual flashcards Here is of the most famous French spring songs by Henri Dès , a famous French-speaking singer (from Switzerland) and song writer for children. C'est le printemps ! C'EST LE PRINTEMPS J'suis content C'est l' printemps Aujourd'hui j'ai rien à faire Quelle aubaine  Turlutaine Je marche le nez en l'air J'suis content C'est l'printemps Les arbres sont en couleur Dans les nids Les petits S'égosillent tous en choeur REFRAIN: Le matin, le matin  Ne rime plus avec chagrin A midi, à midi Je n'aurai pas plus de soucis A 4 heures, à 4 heures Ça rime avec tartine au beurre Et le soir, et le soir Ça rime toujours avec espoir J'suis content C'est l'printemps Qui vient juste après l'hiver Le voilà Youp' lala C'est joli pis c'est pas cher J'suis co

Talking about your dream job - Help to write your 3rd letter to your pen pal

Most of the kids don't really know what they want to be when they grow up. Some do know but change every day, don't they?  I love to listen to what they have to say about their dream job - which is a great way to get to know them and at the same time help them to express themselves in French. JOBS / LES METIERS is the theme of our Bilingual Zoom class today, and also the theme of their 3rd letter to the French pen pals. I have just added the bilingual jobs flashcards in my shop (23 jobs illustrated, 54 flashcards). Pay attention to the way they reply to the question :  What do you want to be when you grow up?  Aren't they super cute?! I love the answer:  "I want to be a super hero".  Why not? :) This week, during our Bilingual Zoom Class, I taught my students how to talk and write about jobs in French: What is your dream job?  Quel est le métier de tes rêves ? My dream job is… Le métier de mes rêves est... Or  What do you want to be when you grow up? Qu’est-ce qu